Method for Melt Mass Flow Rate (MFR) of Thermoplastics

A method for determining the melt mass flow rate (MFR) of thermoplastic materials under specified temperature and load conditions.
Suitable for measuring the melt mass flow rate of general thermoplastic materials, but also not suitable for thermoplastic materials whose rheological behavior is affected by hydrolysis, condensation, or crosslinking.
Sample requirements
1. It can be of any shape, such as granules or fragments, as long as it can be smoothly loaded into the material barrel.
Before the test, adjust the state according to the regulations of the sample, and if necessary, perform stabilization treatment and drying (i.e. sample pre-treatment)
Result calculation
Calculation of MFR:
θ—— Test temperature in ℃
Mnom - nominal load, in kg
M - average mass of the cut section, in g
Tref - reference time (10min), unit s (600s)
T - Time interval between segments, in seconds
Note: Take three significant digits for the test results of ASTM D1238-04 MFR, and two significant digits for the test results of ISO 1133:2005&GB/T 3682-2000 MFR. However, other material laboratories can have different results with different accuracy when testers have special requirements.

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Method for Melt Mass Flow Rate (MFR) of Thermoplastics

A method for determining the melt mass flow rate (MFR) of thermoplastic materials under specified temperature and load conditions.